After the Christmas fenzy I took a break. I'm now working on a 10" and 6" round. The 10" needs rim lashing and a handle and then I'm going to make the 6" as a sewing basket with a lid.

(In the background are three finished Nantucket cannisters and two cheese baskets that are on my kitchen counter.)


I'm in the process of finishing the 12" tray basket...

Here it is once the weaving was finished and it was removed from the mold



The cherry rim was attached and now the lashing is underway.



Once the lashing is done it will be polyurethaned and a scrimshaw piece will be added. 

I finished three small baskets - a 6", 5", and 4" with cherry bases, rims, and handles.


Weaving is underway...


I decided to replace some decorative objects that I had in a display case that's in my office beside my computer with some of my baskets.I like it!


Contact Kathy Gorman, Basketmaker

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